Natural Language Processing

For questions:
skype id:irina.ciocan7


Maximum marks for this subject: 10p (5p laboratory + 5p exam).

The points for the laboratory are obtained in the following activities:

There are 2 types of exercises:

Exercises and homework have a strict deadline (upload is disabled after the deadline). Exercises can't be graded without having the py files uploaded.

Until the end of the semester, each student will have to present his/her homework (the teacher will ask random questions from all the uploaded exercises).

Copying homework

Copying someone's homework means that both students involved won't recieve a grade for the assignment Also professor Florentina Hristea will receive the names of those involved.

Mod de notare

Nota 10 se obtine din 5p laborator si 5p examen.

Nota pentru laborator se ia din:

Exercitiile sunt de 2 feluri:

Exercitiile au deadline fix. Daca se uploadeaza dupa deadline nu vor mai fi punctate. toate rezolvarile trebuie uploadate - chiar si pentru exercitii finalizate in clasa si prezentate.

Pana la finalul semestrului fiecare student va trebui sa prezinte anumite exercitii alese aleator din tema facuta de el. Daca studentul a terminat de-a lungul semestrului exercitiile de laborator chiar in timpul orei si le-a aratat e posibil sa nu i se mai ceara sa prezinte din tema.


Temele copiate vor avea punctajul anulat atat pentru studentul care a dat tema sa se copieze cat si pentru cel care a copiat. Numele studentilor care au copiat vor fi transmise si titularului de curs.

